Friday, May 16, 2014


Animations tests. A sleepy Capricorn wakes up from his or her nap. the first one is an infinite loop of the sleep Capricorn. The second is the full animation of him/her waking up

Animation tests

Thursday, May 8, 2014

New Aquarius Artwork

In a similar style to the Gemini from the last post

 Eventually I will have all 12 in this style :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gemini Concept Art

Since it's going to be the season of Gemini soon, I felt inspired to sketch a Gemini. I want to take this idea and make more art like this, a clip art style for each character :)
I think it would be cool, especially if I do end up making an art book that goes with the characters.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Animation Ideas And Quilt Blankets

Example of an idea for little blankets to go with the dolls. The blanket would be about 3foot by 3foot to 4 by 4 foot.

I've also started some animation ideas.
1-2 minute long video of animation with music. 60 seconds at least of full moving animation, followed by 20-40 seconds of a flashing slideshow of different high-quality pictures of the character.